This factory has been preserved as a holiday home in the idyllic countryside of Hainaut. The regular structure of the former construction contrasts the tight-fit of its perimeter wall that responds to an irregular parcellation, abruptly cut by the access road.
The new home is organised around a central courtyard. A new entrance patio onto the front facade provides distance to the road while bringing natural light to the day areas. Secluded from the outside a central courtyard organises the different spaces with a long array of bedrooms in the ancient pitched-roof bays and a new addition to the back of the building.
Private 2020 – ongoing
700 m2
Ellezelles, Belgium
Team: Guillem Pons, Stijn Baets, Clara Gonzalez, Bianca Suárez
700 m2
Ellezelles, Belgium
Team: Guillem Pons, Stijn Baets, Clara Gonzalez, Bianca Suárez